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About dbmeSNP

Download Run 5 variant annotations for meSNPs (ChrX) [38.9MB .txt]



Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are important markers linking specific genomic regions to phenotypes, and are of vital importance in animal breeding programs, Methylation patterns are established and maintained at the CpG dinucleotide sites, and variations caused by SNPs in regions controlled by DNA methylation may affect gene function via altered epigenetic patterns. We identify SNPs potentially subject to epigenetic control exerted by DNA methylation via their involvement in creating, removing or displacement CpG sites (meSNPs). 




The dbmeSNP


Using the variant annotation for SNPs identified in Run5 of the 1000 bull genomes project and the UMD3.1.1 bovine reference genome sequence assembly, we identified and classified 12,836,763 meSNPs according to the variation caused at CpGs.
The Methyl SNP database (dbmeSNP) aims to provide, for the bovine research community, a  database that can be used to identify functional "epigenetic polymorphisms" in bovine phenotypes.




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